Case Study:
Emergency Pump Repair

The Project

One of our contracted clients, a large facilities management company, contacted Adler & Allan to report that a primer pump had started to leak on one of their Ministry of Defence (MoD) sites.

The damaged primer pump, which was on a Bulk Fuel Installation (BFI), had left the client with only one operational dispensing pump to refuel aircraft, rendering the client’s operating to a critical condition.

The Solution

Within two hours of the initial call to one of our depots, an engineer was deployed and on site. The primer pump was removed and it was found that the seals had failed causing the pump to leak.

The pump was stripped down and refurbished, including replacement of seals, and the working pump was fitted back into the system.

The Outcome

The system was tested to ensure everything was in good working condition. Our client’s Bulk Fuel Installation was up and running to full capacity within 24 hours, giving a fast turnaround and causing little disruption to operations.

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